The Benefits of a Digital Detox for Students

Posted by Annabel Smith on

Have you ever been sent a recap of your weekly screen time and been horrified at the result? Before you’ve even realised, you may have averaged 5 hours a day on your phone, and you might wonder, what on earth did I do for all that time? If this sounds like you, then you may be in need of a digital detox. Our friends over at Collegiate UK have kindly given some advice and tips on how to complete a digital detox below, so you can concentrate on your studies, and be one with the world outside of a smartphone!

What is a Digital Detox?

There’s no doubt that technology has made our lives far easier, especially when it comes to online shopping, researching for uni assignments and googling easy recipes. However, it can so quickly take a toll on our mental health and well-being. A digital detox allows you to press pause on that screen time and focus on other things you enjoy – to scroll less and live more.

The way you choose to limit your tech time is entirely up to you. Your digital detox could involve putting a 15-minute limit on certain apps, deleting a social media account, or setting yourself the challenge of going completely cold turkey.

What Are the Benefits of a Digital Detox?

Getting Some Solid Sleep In

Screens, especially smartphones and computers, emit blue light. This kind of light can particularly upset your body’s production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep. So, while catching up on the latest Netflix series or reading an eBook may feel relaxing, it can make it tougher to drift off. What’s more, going to sleep with your phone right next to you can make it tempting to check notifications, preventing you from properly winding down. Limiting technology before bed will give your brain the chance to relax and unwind, allowing you to get some solid sleep in.

Boosting Productivity

It’s so easy nowadays to fall down a TikTok rabbit hole, dooming scrolling over the latest scandal. But it’s no secret that social media is a great distraction and a great means of procrastination. Setting boundaries where you promise yourself to shut down from socials can help you to focus on the important tasks such as revising or tidying up.

Improved Social Life

Whilst social media can help you keep connected with friends, it can also limit any real social interaction. Conversations that could happen over a coffee end up being a quick to-and-fro over WhatsApp. Reducing time on the phone will help you to spend more time with friends, and make that time spent quality time.

Better Mood

It’s no secret that most people share only the best things about their life on social media. But this can make you form unrealistic expectations and cause you to compare yourself to others. Similarly, when bad news from around the world goes viral, it can infest your screen and make you feel overly anxious and worried. It’s easy to lose real life perspective if too much time is spent on social media. Instead, pressing pause on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and X, can help you regain perspective, making you have a better sense of self image and an overall improved mood.

Time to Explore Hobbies

Did you know that, worldwide, people spend an average of 6 hours and 40 minutes per day on their screens? In the digital age, screen time is an important daily routine, however, it can take away the opportunity to spend time doing the things you really enjoy. Whether it’s reading, crocheting or playing football you’re interested in, a digital detox is great for regaining interest in hobbies.

Live in the Moment

It’s easy to get caught up in the latest social media trends and wanting to be a part of it. You may find that you’re taking pictures and videos of everything, without really investing in the moment. Likewise, having your phone nearby makes it super tempting to check on every notification you receive. Even if your digital detox is as simple as turning off those notifications, you’ll find that you’ll be able to live in the moment much more.

Increased Attention Span

Have you noticed how TikTok videos can now be watched on double speed? That’s because since social media, we’ve gotten used to being over-fed information and always being entertained. So much so that our attention spans have zapped. Taking a break from technology will help to increase your attention span, allowing you to better focus on university work.

More Time for Self-Care

Why not replace screen time for me time? When you’re not spending time on your phone, you can spend some time taking care of yourself, whether that’s going to the gym, meal prepping, cleaning or even meditating.

More Advice for Students

Balancing your personal life and studies can be tricky when standing on your own two feet for the first time at university. For more advice on safeguarding your mental health, visit our blog page here. Our friends over at Collegiate UK are award-winning providers of student accommodation. With supporting student mental wellbeing at the core of what they do, feel free to check out their list of student guides here.